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Registration closes 01/24/2025.
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The N.E.W. (Neuromuscular Emotional Workout) Process (Friday January 24th, 6:00-9:00pm)
We’ve all got restricting behaviors that often get in the way of our acting career…. This class is designed to support actors on their journey of emotional and physical freedom. We’ll explore the emotional life and physicality of character. All humans are patterned for behaviors particular to their genetic makeup as well as the result of their life experiences. Many of these patterns were once very useful for navigating safely and successfully in the world, but as our needs and circumstances change, so do our deeply formed restrictive patterns need to change as well. In a very safe, fun, and supportive atmosphere, and through a variety of physical, vocal, and partnered exercises, The N.E.W. Process guides and encourages the individual to form new, more creative, and expansive ways of relating to the self, others and the work of an actor. If you’re ready to break through old, limiting patterns and replace them with new, more energized, liberated, and expansive ways of behaving, this class is for you! This class is perfect for actors at all levels. Come dressed to move!